Pranayama is a breathing technique that replaces the natural rhythm of the breath with conscious prana rhythms. By obtaining more control over our breath, we gain control over our mind and our life. By acquiring the basic Pranayama knowledge, you will gain awareness of your current natural breathing and learn how to improve your breathing rhythms during the day. In our Prana talks, you will learn all the basics of Pranayama. From how to breathe, how to sit, the stages of breath, madame Kundalini, all the way to prana effects. Through the next pranayama talks you will find most...
Ujjayi pranayama is a way of breathing rather than it is a rhythm. A way of breathing inspired by the King Cobra snake.Get some familiarity with the breathing sequence before you attempt the King Cobra hiss. Related Topics, 60 Minutes: —> We recommend you to go through before messing around with the King Cobra Introduction and first practice, 38 Minutes. First round is Inhale -2-3 / Exhale-2-3-4We do 1 round of 24 times basic breathing (in-2-3—out-2-3-4) That is between 7 and 9 times a minute, natural breath. Benefits of Ujjayi Pranayama breathing: Ujjayi pranayama has been proved to be...
Yoga could be a toolbox, different tools provide help or can help to use that part of yoga required in the moment. Mantra chanting is an instrument in the toolbox of yoga. It could take a little time, like most of yoga, to grasp. Once more you have the opportunity to practice, to try and to experience for yourself, what is behind it all. When we are bothered by the mind and we can’t take the attention away, chanting could make your effort a success. The mind with its combination of various moods, emotions and thoughts, can easily bring...
Chanting mantras is an ancient practice that calms the mind, lifts mood and helps to improve focus and attention.
It has powerful beneficial effects on the nervous system. It is recommended to adopt a personal mantra, which you keep for yourself as a tool to keep yourself on the right track.