Kapalabhati Pranayama
Natural inhaling/ Forceful exhaling. Abdominal breathing through your nose
The focus in Kapalabhati pranayama lies on the forceful exhalation using your abdomen to contract on the moment of exhaling.
The inhalation follows immediately by releasing your abdomen, using this abdominal movement to allow air to flow in your lungs without effort.
On that moment you are ready for the next exhalation Followed by the inhalation and so on.
Doing so provides a rhythm or sequence that comes with this exercise were exhaling is a little longer than inhaling.
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we recommend you to go through this Pranayama Talks before jumping into practice.
Explained as follows:
Tu- is the moment of inhaling
Han- is the moment of exhaling
Han, of three letters
Tu, of two letters
emphasises the difference
Do not try to in- and exhale as much as you can, rather focus on the rhythm and your timing of breathing.
Benefits of Kapalabhati: Cleanses the throat and lungs and stimulates the abdominal muscles and organs. Improves abdominal breathing, increases the strength of your lungs, blood supply through your body, helps to extract oxygen from the air you’re breathing, the doorway to more.
Once you’re ready with pranayama, try to sit still for a while. Like a statue. Allow your breath to calm down to a minimum of respiratory action, It’s like hibernating animals.
Special notice: It’s important that you take responsibility for your own practice by acknowledging and respecting your own physical limitations. By following the videos on yogaknowhow.org please do not exceed your limits while performing such activity. Please read the full disclaimer here.